NEW @ Paddle Sports Show 2022 – PALM, Tora  men’s jacket

This serie of articles, called “NEW @ The Paddle Sports Show 2022” showcases the products that are competing for the « PADDLE SPORTS PRODUCTS OF THE YEAR AWARDS »

Entry for Apparel/Equipment – PALM, Tora  men’s jacket

Packed on itself, the Tora is the jacket you reach into your bag for whenever the skies look ominous. With cues from the ever popular Terrek, this jacket has a light feel, simple adjustment and handy features, such as the roll down hood – protecting you form that splash of rain, the chill of a breeze or chop from waves on the water.

for more info about PALM


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Product Spotlight: Kajak Sport – Footrest 3

“The Kajak Sport Footrest 3 is a rock-solid yet lightweight footrest system designed for high-end sea kayaks that demand stiffness, reliability, and comfort. Ideal for kayaks built with a skeg for navigating rough seas and rock gardens, this footrest ensures

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Product Pro-File: Prijon Beast

Welcome to “The Product Pro-File” at Kayak Session! This new section is all about helping paddlers learn more about the latest products on the paddlesports market. By chatting with designers and experts within the brands, we uncover the design and

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