MELKER - Rapid Prototyping

Innovative, sustainable and rapid prototyping using 3D printing and plant-based and recycled/up-cycled materials
This is such a BIG THING – that we are able to 3D print prototypes to iterate and field test real prototypes to perfection – before making moulds for effective and sustainable serial production.
The material used for 3D-printing and iterating our prototypes to perfection is recycled kayaks – shredded and compounded – mixed together with up-cycled ghost nets (old fishing nets) found on the west coast of Sweden, and wood fibres from Finnish pine forests. This means that we use recycled, up-cycled and plant-based materials – ALSO during the prototyping steps.
Background to the making of the Melker Värmdö
– Listen carefully to the demands coming from new markets, customers, dealers, and partners
– Make a blueprint
– Test print unibody and full-size prototype for initial testing
– Intense field testing of the prototype with reference group in various conditions, including our North American partner Ken Whiting
– Iterate blueprint based on feedback
– Recycle prototype and print second/third/fourth version (…until perfect)
– Make mould, for effective and sustainable serial production
– Make plant-based and light-weight composite version
Movie from prototype production / 3D printing;
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